Care situations can be very stressful. Many nursing staff do not know methods of relaxation. For this reason the fitcor technology was developed, a health coaching for nursing staff.
The fitcor system consists of an app and a sensor that is worn on the body.
This sensor measures various values,
for example breathing, the stress level or how much someone is moving.
The app receives the values that the sensor measures. These values are displayed
to users in the app.
This allows users to see how stressed they were on a day or how much they slept.
The app guides you to different exercises to show users how the body e.g. responds
to targeted breathing exercises.
This sensor measures various values,
for example breathing, the stress level or how much someone is moving.
The app receives the values that the sensor measures. These values are displayed
to users in the app.
This allows users to see how stressed they were on a day or how much they slept.
The app guides you to different exercises to show users how the body e.g. responds
to targeted breathing exercises.
The measurement shows that a user sleeps too little and restlessly. With fitcor the user can learn methods to fall asleep better.
The sensor indicates high level of stress in everyday care. The fitcor app explains what stress is and how it arises. The user can perform relaxation exercises with the app and see through the biofeedback that this can reduce stress.
So that the fitcor technology can be integrated into the planned intervention in a meaningful and user-oriented manner, the process consists of different phases. In order to prepare the content of the intervention in an app-friendly and customizable manner, these phases consist of different modules, which in turn are composed of different elements.
These elements can contain variable media, such as texts, videos or audios. The modular structure allows a high degree of flexibility from a technical and conceptual point of view.
Preparation (3-7 days)
- Sensor ordering, onboarding
- Explanation of how sensor works, wearing instructions
- Fill out questionnaires
- Explanation of the intervention (process, content)
- Theoretical knowledge transfer: basics of stress
Coaching (approx. 6 weeks)
- Compulsory modules for different user groups
- Modular structure with different topics for coping with stress
- Use of different media (text, audio, video, exercises, instructions for reflection, etc.)
- Individualized extension modules
- Orientation towards needs + selection according to personal interests
Measurement (7 days)
- Data measurement
- Daily breathing exercise (with biofeedback)
- Diary and daily report
- Learning and experiencing the connections between stress and physique
- Individual reference: How do I experience stress? What knowledge can I gain from observing physiological phenomena and experiences?
Final (after the coaching phase)
- Summary and day-to-day integration
- Possibly follow-up measurement for before / after comparison
Keep track of your activity, do daily excersizes recommended by the app and get weekly report based on your measurements. Successfully finish the programm to get overall result of your stress menagement, risk factors and so on...
Cool screens and explanations.
Here short explanation
Cool screens and explanations.
Here short explanation
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With or without description. Which is longer. And longer.
Maybe two or three lines long.
Johannes Heering
The team role
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Alex Woroschilow
The team role
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Mohamed Kettouch
The team role
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Nina Wegener
The team role
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit ut aliquam, purus sit amet luctus venenatis, lectus magna fringilla urna, porttitor
Patricia Nixon
The team role
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit ut aliquam, purus sit amet luctus venenatis, lectus magna fringilla urna, porttitor